I was hiking through the secluded trail hoping to find the Hawks and found a Northern Red Cardinal [Female] perching on the forest tree. The contrasting red/orange bird with the Green background made me to take this shot
Temukan visi fotografi Anda dengan SNAPSHOT, komunitas yang semakin berkembang di Asia Selatan dan Tenggara.
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Harap dicatat bahwa fitur dan layanan berbasis akun SNAPSHOT, HANYA tersedia untuk warga negara dan/atau penduduk resmi dari negara/wilayah tertentu di Asia Selatan dan Tenggara.
Masuk/DaftarI was hiking through the secluded trail hoping to find the Hawks and found a Northern Red Cardinal [Female] perching on the forest tree. The contrasting red/orange bird with the Green background made me to take this shot
EF400mm f/5.6L USM
f 8
1/800 sec
0 EV
EF400mm f/5.6L USM
f 8
1/800 sec
0 EV