Canon Professional Services: Going the Extra Mile for Photography Professionals
Photography professionals are subjected to all kinds of grueling working conditions and their equipment are often pushed to their limits. Fortunately, they can turn to Canon Professional Services (CPS) for equipment support, servicing, professional advice and even backup equipment loans at CPS supported events.(Reported by Dean Koh)

CPS: Always ready to meet the needs of Canon photo professionals
The role of CPS supporting "Decisive Shot"
At a recent regional sports event held in Singapore in June, CPS was present onsite to support the needs and demands of Canon professionals and official media photographers/photojournalists over the nine day-long event period. CPS provided a wide range of services for these working photographers, which include cleaning and checking of camera bodies and lens and firmware updates. The CPS staff also offered technical and professional advice depending on the photographers' requirements.

CPS provides technical support and on-site re-pairs.
In addition, CPS also render equipment backup loans should the photographers experience any issues or damage with their own equipment. Mr Wong, a sports photographer, benefitted greatly from the CPS experience:
"I lost most of my equipment during an unfortunate theft incident when I was working overseas before the event in June. Fortunately, the CPS staff understood my situation and was kind enough to loan me the backup equipment I needed for the event so I could provide the photo-graphs for my publication. The CPS staff even loaned me a rain cover for the lens in case of in-clement weather."
"I was glad that the CPS staff updated my camera firmware and checked my lenses prior to the start of my work coverage", remarked Mr Xu, a photojournalist from a local publication.
When professional photographers and photojournalists are out in the field to deliver the best images for their respective media outlets, they can have a peace of mind that CPS (at CPS supported events) can provide the technical support, equipment and service that they require to ensure that their work can be carried out smoothly and successfully. CPS staff often go the extra mile for these Canon professionals, as evident from the accounts of the above-mentioned photographers.
Have you registered as a CPS member yet?
Outside of CPS supported events, CPS members can enjoy a range of benefits, such as discounts for servicing, free sensor cleaning, priority repair services and backup equipment loans during repairs (depending on their level of CPS membership).

For more information on CPS, visit:

Dean discovered his love for photography as a writer a few years ago and really enjoys street and documentary photography. He likes to go for pho-towalks with friends and learning about different photography techniques. A geek by nature, he is constantly following technical and product devel-opments in the world of photography.