Temukan visi fotografi Anda dengan SNAPSHOT, komunitas yang semakin berkembang di Asia Selatan dan Tenggara.
Pelajari cara terbaik menciptakan gambar dan video yang menakjubkan, berbagi karya Anda dengan komunitas dan terinspirasi oleh komunitas kami.
Harap dicatat bahwa fitur dan layanan berbasis akun SNAPSHOT, HANYA tersedia untuk warga negara dan/atau penduduk resmi dari negara/wilayah tertentu di Asia Selatan dan Tenggara.
Masuk/DaftarStep into a world of photography where you will discover the best ways to create amazing images and videos, share your passion, and be inspired. If you are just starting on your photography journey, our imaging professionals are more than happy to chat with you and answer your questions to help you get results from your Canon camera.
Photography is better here in Image Square, where there is something for everyone from stylish point-and-shoot cameras to advanced compact cameras to DSLR cameras. Find a camera that best suits your lifestyle, shooting style and photography aspirations.
Because we are photographers too, we know that the best memories last the longest. Let our imaging professionals guide you through the basics of photography and what modes or settings to use for various subjects, so that the memories you capture will always leave a lasting impression.
At Image Square, you can try out an EOS DSLR and lens of your choice in our specially created studio and backdrop set. Our imaging professionals will gladly point out all the great features of the camera and lens, while imparting some handy tips and tricks.
A Complete Canon Experience
Canon is home to digital photography with its comprehensive range of imaging systems and camera accessories. From casual IXUS point-and-shoot cameras to feature-rich PowerShot cameras with pro manual capabilities to EOS DSLR cameras with interchangeable lenses, Canon digital cameras are the best choices for photographers at any level.