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How to Protect Your Camera for Cold Weather Photography
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From the quality of light to the bluer skies and various activities taking place, shooting in cold weather can produce more dramatic photographs. Learn how to prepare yourself and your equipment for cold weather photography with this infographic.
Before You Head Out
1.Never leave the house without wearing a pair of waterproof and insulated boots to keep your feet warm and dry, even after standing for long hours.
2.Go out with fresh batteries and carry spare ones in your pockets. This ensures you’ll be able to quickly switch to fresh, warm batteries and continue shooting. Also consider using an additional battery grip for longer lasting power.
3.Bring along a carbon fibre tripod as it handles the cold better and helps to lighten your equipment load. If you’re using an aluminum tripod, wear your gloves when touching it.
1.Clean and crisp winter air means sharper photos. With the sun lower in the sky, quality of light is better for more hours of the day. The shadows formed are also longer, which adds more interest to landscape shots.
2.Snow can be tricky to shoot. Tip: Expose for the brightest portions of the scene and ensure your highlights don’t get blown to all white. Using a lens hood also keeps light from bouncing around.
3.Use a circular polarising filter (CPL) to clear up any haze in your photos, and reduce glare on snow and ice.
4.Limit your usage of the LCD screen to cut down on chimping, or checking every photo immediately after clicking the shutter button. Instead, use your camera’s viewfinder to help conserve battery life.
5.Achieve a minimalist look in your images by keeping an eye out for details, such as a ski cabin that stands out on the mountainside, as the landscape becomes a blank canvas for you to get creative with.
1.Pull out the memory card before you keep your gear in Ziploc bags, to prevent condensation forming inside the camera or lens. This is especially so if you’re returning to a warm room with high humidity or has many people in it.
2.Take the time to let your equipment acclimate, while you warm up and start to download the images into your computer.
For more inspiration on cold weather photography, check out:
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