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What kind of photos are best taken with DSLRs?

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Beneath the large camera body of a DSLR lies a whole collection of hidden features for taking great-looking pictures waiting to be uncovered. Let’s take a look at some photos which are best taken with a DSLR! (Edited by studio9)


1. Photos that make use of the structural advantages of a camera

Compared to a compact camera, a DSLR offers many advantages. Examples of such photos are given below.

  • Photos making use of the bokeh effect
  • Photos taken in very dark places
  • Highly detailed photos

It is generally difficult for compact cameras to take such pictures, as they are best taken by cameras with large bodies which house large image sensors.

Photos making use of the bokeh effect


This shot is focused on the water droplets with the background largely blurred. The image captured at the back is the signboard of a convenience store.

Shot taken using a macro lens. The background gives off an enchanting atmosphere, doesn’t it?

Photos taken in very dark places


Nightscapes often come to mind when we mention dark places. This shot was taken with the horizon in a faint orange, while the street lights were each individually captured in detail!

Highly detailed photos


A shot of a factory nightscape, a subject which has been gradually gaining popularity in Japan in recent years. It is most likely difficult for compact cameras to capture such detailed shots at night with low lighting conditions.


2. Photos that make use of the variety of camera settings

Regardless of merit, a digital DSLR has many settings that you can configure. Here is a list of some photos you can take using these settings.

  • Photos taken with a fast shutter speed
  • Photos taken with a slow shutter speed
  • Photos with a vigorously-moving subject

Since these photos are related to camera settings, it is possible to take them with a high-end compact camera. However, it is so simple to take them with a DSLR as the settings can be configured more easily. Moreover, DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are highly efficient at focusing with Auto Focus (AF), making them great at capturing moving objects.

Photos taken with a fast shutter speed


This is a shot of the moment where a wave crashes, taken at an ordinary seashore. It is hard to perceive this split second with the naked eye.
The shutter speed used was 1/2500 sec!

Photos taken with a slow shutter speed


The shutter speed used here is 0.8 sec. While the subject of this picture is water as well, the shot was taken with a slower shutter speed. As a result, the water flow looks silky smooth.

With a slow shutter speed, I took several shots of the traces of car tail lights and made the composite photo as shown above.

Photos with a vigorously-moving subject


With a DSLR, since it is equipped with an auto focus function that continuously tracks moving subjects and has a shorter shutter lag time, in comparison to using a compact camera, a subject vibrant with energy such as this one can be captured with ease.

3. Photos that can optimise the camera’s extendability

Not only is the lens interchangeable, a variety of accessories can also be fitted onto a DSLR.

  • Photos that make effective use of an external flash

You could see this extendability as one of the perks that come with a DSLR. A compact camera will have a flash function, but it can only direct the light forward. With an external flash the angle of the light emitted can be directed, so it becomes possible to take a variety of shots to suit the scene.

Photos that make effective use of an external flash


At first glance, you might doubt whether an external flash was used for this shot. While it may seem like this shot was taken naturally, a flash was directed at the white ceiling to create a soft ambience with the reflected light. Compared to using direct lighting, the food now looks so much more delicious.

Similarly, in this picture, the model will appear much darker if an external flash is not used. If you look at the shadow, you will notice that the flash was activated a distance away from the camera.

What kind of photos should you start with?

Looking at all the shots that I took, I was struck by the sheer variety of photos that could be captured with a DSLR. Furthermore, these photos can be taken with entry models such as the Canon EOS 750D and 760D (although you may require a lens and flash other than that included in the kit).
This goes to show how advanced DSLRs sold these days are. Are you making full use of your camera functions?
It may be a bit too much to jump into using an external flash to take photos off the bat, but photos with a bokeh effect, on the other hand, can easily be taken by anyone with a DSLR. Additionally, it’s also quite simple to take photos with different shutter speeds, although a tripod mount may be required for slower speeds.
You can start off by experimenting with the degree of bokeh and the shutter speed since the effects can be experienced even with a kit lens. As a photography enthusiast, I would be delighted to have more people experience the joy of taking pictures with a touch of difference.



A photography website established in Japan in 2011. With the slogan “Bringing photography closer to you”, the site provides content that is useful for everyone who enjoys photography. Besides web content, studio9 also conducts seminars and workshops.

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