Love the ocean and its colourful marine life? Get the best advice and tips you may not have realised you needed before you jump into the water!

1. Always remember to double check your camera equipment
Even if it promises to be waterproof! You can check for leaks by gently submerging the camera into a pail of water for 3-5 minutes (avoid dropping the camera into the water as the impact might cause the battery case to open). After that, take the camera out and see if any water has leaked into areas like the battery or memory card compartments. Do remember to rinse off your camera equipment with fresh water after every dive.
2. Take note the period and time of your dive
The moon affects the current and visibility (also known as reef) underwater, which will directly affect your shots. It's best to go on an underwater photography dive trip when there is no moon. There is also a higher chance of spotting marine life in cooler water temperatures (about 26-27 degree Celsius), which is usually during the morning and late evening.
3. Steady your movements
Fishes, and even sharks, are easily frightened with sudden movements and bubbles. Be patient and hold your breath for a few seconds to stabilise your shot, or try to stay at the seabed if the depth is not too deep.
4. Avoid flash
Not only will you frighten the marine life away, you'll also end up highlighting the sediments and barnacles underwater and produce a really messy underwater shot. If you must use flash, try using a light diffuser attachment that will help to soften the flash and produce a more even-lit photograph.
5. Keep things secure
Even if you have a snug pocket to tuck in your camera, always secure the camera to your body with a carabiner clip. You wouldn't want to spoil your dive trip with a lost camera!
*Photos taken by Mazlan Mod with the PowerShot D30 waterproof camera.

Photos taken by diving instructor Mazlan Mod of Dive World 360.