Useful Tips for Backing Up Photos on the Camera Connect App
The Camera Connect app for smart devices supports not only remote photography, it is also a convenient tool for browsing and saving photo images. In the following, we will introduce tips on ways to browse and organise images in the camera with your smart device with the app, which is available on Google Play and Apple iTunes.
1. Use NFC* to transfer photos to your smart device with just a simple tap
Saving photo images is also easy if you are using an NFC-compatible smart device** and a camera. By touching the N-mark on both the devices against each other, Camera Connect is automatically launched on the smart device to enable transfer of photo images. You can either save images to the smart device one by one or select multiple images and save them at one go. Images that have been transferred can be viewed, edited, organised and shared using your smart device’s photo management app—just like any other photo taken with or downloaded onto your smart device.
Also, if the Bluetooth connection is turned on, it will switch automatically to the Wi-Fi connection for images to be transferred, saving you the hassle of having to manually connect and disconnect devices.
*NFC/Bluetooth-compatibility varies depending on camera model
**Only applicable to smart devices installed with an OS version of Android 4.0 or later.
By touching the N-mark on both the smart device and camera against each other, you can transfer photo images to the smart device instantly. The N-mark can be found at the back of the smart device and on the side or at the back of the camera.
Photos that have been transferred can be viewed, edited, organised and shared using the photo management app on your smart device.
2. Batch download the photos you like to your smartphone
One of the advantages of the Wi-Fi function is that you can use your smart device to check the photos in the camera, which saves you the hassle of having to take the camera out of the bag every time. Also, it allows you to make good use of your free time while on the move to download your favourite images from the camera to your smart device. You can select and transfer multiple images at one time, so there is no need to repeat the same steps over and over again if there’s more than one image you’d like to download. The images are automatically resized in the default setting when you transfer them to a smart device, but you can also change the setting to transfer them in the original size.
The Camera Connect app also comes with a wide variety of features for displaying the images on the smart device, such as showing the shooting information, changing the order of display, jumping to a specific shooting date and refining the search, all of which are useful in helping you find the photos you are looking for inside the camera.
・Saving multiple images in the camera to a smart device at one time
With the smart device connected to the camera, tap “Images on camera” in Camera Connect.
An image index screen appears. Tap “Select”.
You can now select multiple images. Tap to select the images you want to save to the smart device.
Images that have been transferred can be managed using the gallery app on your smart device.
・Resizing images that are saved to a smart device
Tap “…” at the top right corner of the screen.
A “Camera image settings” screen appears. Tap “Resize”.
Selecting “Don’t resize” transfers the images in the original size. “Select when saving” allows you to specify the size when transferring an image.
・Features for browsing through images
You can search for photo images in the camera by displaying them in one of the many different modes available.
(1) Information: Displays an image index screen that shows the shooting information.
(2) Jump: Jumps to a specific shooting date.
(3) Sort: Sorts the images by date, folder or rating.
(4) Filter: Refines the search by date range or file type.
(5) Images that have already been transferred from the camera to the smart device are indicated by the “Downloaded” mark.
3. You can use your smartphone to organise and manage the photos in your camera
With Camera Connect, images stored inside a camera can be deleted or rated using a smart device. For example, unwanted photos can be erased from the camera while you are browsing through them on a smartphone. In other words, you can make use of your free time while on the move to check through the camera images with your smart device, and this helps to reduce the time and effort needed when you are organising the photos using DPP (Digital Photo Professional) on the PC. Meanwhile, the app also enables you to retrieve or sort images easily according to the preset rating.
・Deleting images stored inside the camera
Display the image you want to remove. Tap “Delete”.
A confirmation message appears asking whether you want to delete the image from the camera. Tap “Delete”.
・Rating an image
Display an image and tap “Rating” at the bottom of the screen. Drag to set the rating.
Rating the camera images in advance with a smart device makes photo organising easier when they are imported into your PC.
Below are links to other related articles on Wi-Fi and Camera Connect.
Fun Ways to Use Your Camera’s Wi-Fi (Part 1): Introduction to Wi-Fi Features
Fun Ways to Use Your Camera’s Wi-Fi (Part 2): Real-Life Examples
6 Useful Tips for Remote Shooting via Wi-Fi with the Camera Connect App
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