What use would a beginner or intermediate photographer have for a 50.6-megapixel camera? Professional photographer Nguyen Thai Thach gives his take on the new Canon EOS 5DS and 5DS R.

Boasting a 50.6-megapixel resolution, the new Canon EOS 5DS and 5DS R seem very much like professional cameras through and through. Which they are, but rest assured that beginner to intermediate photographers will find it easy enough to use.
That's according to professional photographer Nguyen Thai Thach, who specialises in landscape and architecture photography. "The usage of EOS 5DS and 5DS R is not more difficult than other EOS cameras such as 5D Mark III and 5D Mark II," he says.
A roadblock beginners might face is not knowing how to use the high resolution to their advantage, but Thach has a few pointers: "There are different methods to optimise the resolution; for example: upgrading the lens system or other hardware devices to handle and process large-sized files."
"If the users can manage this, EOS 5Ds and 5Ds R will offer them a brand new experience of their photographs since the high resolution entertainment is a trend of this digital era."
It isn't merely theoretical. Scrunitise photographs taken by the camera and you'll see the immaculate details the high resolution manages to bring out in your subjects.
Take it from Thach, who witnessed firsthand the benefits of the EOS 5DS: "The unbelievable resolution brings excellent detail to landscape and architecture photographs. I realised this value when I tried to print oversized photos up to several meters wide."
That means you have greater flexibility to play around with your shots, without losing sharpness in your photos. "Users can crop the picture to match their composition concepts but maintain outstanding quality; print oversized photos without breaking the pixel," Thach offers.
In fact, he calls the newly released cameras a breakthrough in the DSLR market. "Before the EOS 5DS and 5DS R, Canon did not produce any camera with the resolution more than 24 megapixels. Besides, other cameras in a similar range only reach the resolution of 36 megapixels. Therefore, 50.6 megapixels is an impressive number and has kickstarted a revolution."

Fondly known as Thien Thach, a nickname he has had for almost a decade, Nguyen Thai Thach started out as a specialist in physics and architecture. He's in-depth knowledge of architecture and design manifests in his artful photographs in landscape and architecture, often bringing out the true beauty of his subjects with a unique perspective. He has been a photographer since 2010 and took on a specialty in architecture photography in 2014. He now runs his own photography company, Thien Thach Photography.
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