Why Professional Photographers Use the EOS-1D X Mark II-Question & Answer After the EOS Seminar-
Four professional photographers, each specialized in their own genre of photography, i.e. “wedding”, “underwater”, “fashion”, and “sports”, answer various questions of attendees of the EOS-1D X MARK II SEMINAR Asia Tour – Live in Bangkok, held 26 April 2016. From why they use the flag ship model EOS-1D X Mark II, to what is important to a professional photographer, the answers to these questions can be found in the interviews listed below. (Reported by: SNAPSHOT)
"Do what you love and you can only get better."
Nara Jirayuwatana, from Narakorn Photography, who is Thailand's leading wedding photographer, has captured many precious moments of couples tying the knot. As a wedding photography photographer, he loves capturing their feelings, and portray memorable stories in his shots. After giving his impressions of the EOS-1D X Mark II during the EOS Seminar, he answers some of the additional questions of the audience, among others, why he prefers this camera, and what makes it a better camera than other full-frame cameras in his opinion.
"Photography allows me to travel and travelling allows me to do what I love."
Nat Sumanatemeya, prominent underwater photographer and ocean conservationist, has been shooting for over 20 years, in seas and oceans all over the world. Currently shooting his amazing underwater shots with the EOS-1D X Mark II, Nat took the time to answer some questions from attendees, about what he considers the most distinct feature of this camera, and how high-speed continuous shooting is still the way to go for professional photography. Additionally, he gives advice to aspiring photographers.
"It is not uncommon to be the same as thousands of people. Just be yourself and that's enough."
Nat Prakobsantisuk, one of the foremost figures in Asian Fashion photography today, has had his work featured in many top fashion magazines in Thailand. Following the EOS Seminar where he presented some of his work, he talks about what it means to be a fashion photographer, how to stand out from the crowd, and what is his preference when looking for a camera, including the EOS-1D X Mark II. He gives valuable guidance for anyone looking to succeed.
“In sports photography, there are no second chances.”
Simon Bruty, an award-winning Olympic photographer and Canon USA Explorer of Light, has created an unusual portfolio during his twenty-five-years as a photographer by finding the extraordinary amidst the ordinary. As a sports and action photographer, he highlights the key benefits of using the EOS-1D X Mark II, and which improved function he likes most. Apart from answering questions about how to prepare for action photography, Simon also gives useful advice for future photographers-to-be.
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EOS-1D X Mark II