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Happenings >> All Happenings Part13

The Joy of Photography and Expression: An Interview with Dean Fujioka

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In this article:

Dean Fujioka, an actor and musician, is an artist who bases his activities mainly in Asia. We spoke with Dean, whose hobby is photography, about what it is to take photos and the joy of being able of express oneself in them. (Interview by: SNAPSHOT)

<表現する喜び、写真を撮る喜び ー ディーンフジオカ インタビュー>
俳優として、ミュージシャンとして、アジアを主舞台に活躍するアーティスト、ディーンフジオカ氏。写真が趣味、というディーン氏に、写真を撮る心、そして表現する喜びとはなにか、話を聞いた。(Interview by: SNAPSHOT)


Those euphoric goosebump moments that make you feel that life is good

SNAPSHOT: Dean, you are a musician, actor and film director - a multi-talented artist. I hear you also enjoy photography. What is photography to you?

Dean Fujioka (DEAN, below): I think, they are precious notes to my future self. Or perhaps time capsules would be a better description. They are really powerful tools you can use to recall your own memories. They also serve as my source of inspiration for movie and music making. With photos, you can store your memories, and even share them with someone else. In the process, you get inspired, and it becomes a force that drives you to create something new.

SNAPSHOT: What is it that makes people enjoy photography?

DEAN: I personally like taking photos. Finding the right angle, thinking of a composition, or being particular about the colour placement, is interesting. Also, I really know that feeling that you are having fun, when you finally get the result you were aiming for.

SNAPSHOT: So have you ever experienced enormous delight from taking a picture that you were satisfied with?

DEAN: Yes, I have indeed. This happens in photography, acting, songwriting, song production, literally everything I do. It is that feeling of finally finding what you were looking for, when everything just clicks.

SNAPSHOT: Is this feeling different for music, acting and photography?

DEAN: For me, I call it the ‘goosebump radar’. There’s that feeling you get when creating something, when you start to get the feeling of goosebumps. This could happen with a photo you have taken, or when you are creating footage. In music, it could be the flow of the song, the arrangement, a particular take when recording the song, or when the lyrics fit perfectly. In acting, there are takes that I don’t have to take an objective look at the footage to know [that it all fell in place]. It is the same for all genres. You feel, ‘This is fun’, or ‘I’m glad I did it!’, and this makes you want to share it with others as soon as possible.
ぼくのなかでは、“鳥肌レーダー”って言っています。なにかをクリエイトしていて、鳥肌が立つ瞬間ってあるじゃないですか。それって写真一枚でもそうだし、映像を制作しているときもそう。音楽で、曲の流れとかアレンジとか、歌のテイクとか、歌詞がうまくはまったときとか。また、演技していても、自分の映像を客観的に見なくてもわかるテイクとかあります。それは全部いっしょですね。 “楽しい”、“これ、できてよかった!”っていう感覚です。このとき “早く人にシェアしたい”っていう気持ちになりますね。

SNAPSHOT: Do you think that the joy of expression is about wanting to share these moments?

DEAN: Firstly, the world I am trying to create, and what I want to see or hear, the moment these aspects come together, is the first time I begin to feel this joy. These particular moments truly make me feel happy to be alive.

Whether it’s in photography, acting, or music, there are moments where I feel a surge of passion, and that’s also when I feel happy to be alive. I think the more these moments accumulate, the more fulfillment you gain in your life. Also, I feel that they lead to personal growth.

When you are done with these forms of expression, you would naturally want to share them. If the joy of expression were to follow an order, I think this would be it.

SNAPSHOT: I see, I completely understand what you mean.

DEAN: Personally, I want to live my life in a positive way. For myself, the things I am interested in are related to art and entertainment. Working in these fields, I always get those moments of euphoria, where I go ‘I managed to express that!’ or “I got the take I wanted!’, or others that come close. There are those simple moments of joy where you just go, ‘Wow, that is really cool!’ In regards to this, I want to continue feeling this genuine sense of joy.


I am glad I had my camera with me in my early travels

SNAPSHOT: I hear that in your earlier days you travelled across the world, frequently within Asia, and that you took many photos?

DEAN: During those days, I travelled everywhere with my camera hung on my shoulder so that I could take photos at any time. At that time, I was using an EOS 350D, and because of it I was able to discover many things. In my travels, people taught me about the camera and in the process, it helped to deepen friendships. Showing pictures I had taken on the spot to friends whom I had just met made for some lively conversations, for example.
当時はいつもカメラを肩に下げて、いつでも写真を撮れるような状態で旅行をしていました。キヤノンのEOS 350Dを使っていましたが、あのカメラがあったから、気づけたことがたくさんあった。旅先でカメラの使い方を教えてもらい、その過程で深まっていくコミュニケーションもありました。撮った写真をその場で見せて、知り合ったばかりの友達と話が盛り上がったり。

SNAPSHOT: It sounds like the camera came in really useful when you travelled alone.

DEAN: The EOS 350D is one camera that really left its impression on me, to the point where I feel that I would not have gained all these experiences if it had not been there to accompany me those years where I was travelling around alone. I still keep it in my home. I think it was 2005 when I bought it.
あの何年間かの自分の旅の中で、あのカメラがなかったら、いろんなものが得られていなかったな、と思うくらい、EOS 350Dはすごく思い出に残っている機種です。いまも家にとってあります。あれを買ったのは2005年くらいだったかな。

Pictures Dean Fujioka took during his travels in his earlier days. He tells us that he took many pictures while travelling around the world, going to places such as Beijing, Paris, Indonesia and Tibet.


SNAPSHOT: There are many people in South East Asia who have taken up travelling as a hobby. What do you think is the joy of travel?

DEAN: Yes… what could that be? It could be a desire to see the world. Or maybe it’s the feeling of wanting to see something you have never seen before.

In my case, I think there was this longing, this fantasy, to be somewhere else. The feeling that there was perhaps someplace that would be more suitable for me, an inkling sense that there would be something better over in that place. That things would get better the more I pushed ahead. I think this is what made me travel.

SNAPSHOT: This is probably similar to what motivates the young people in South East Asia.

DEAN: In any case, we should strive to move forward. We should not let things that are going to happen in the future slip away. I felt that I did not want to be satisfied not knowing what something was. Fortunately, it was not difficult for me to travel on planes at that time. Even if I did not have a place to stay for the night, I had fun sleeping en route on the night bus (laughs).

In those times, the EOS 350D was the camera I used to take pictures with, such as of a star-filled sky I saw when I looked up. Even while having high altitude sickness climbing a lofty mountain in Tibet, I was clicking away at the snowy mountain.
そんな中で、見上げた ものすごい星空をパシャッと撮ったのが、EOS 350Dだったんですね。チベットのすごい高い山の上に登って、高山病になりながら、雪山をパシャッ、みたいな。

SNAPSHOT: It sounds like you have had many incredible experiences, and taken just as many pictures.

DEAN: I definitely had the feeling where it felt as though the scenes would come back to me in my dreams. Now that I recall, I did travel in some harsh environments. That’s something you can do only when you’re young (laugh). I feel really happy I got to experience all of that.

SNAPSHOT: I suppose you were really glad to have your camera with you then?

DEAN: Yes, I was really glad I had it with me. Between going out and having to see with just you and your eyes without a camera, and doing the same but with a camera, the latter is definitely a much better option.

After, when you look back at the pictures 10 or 20 years later, you will be able to tell just how much you changed, as well as how much you have not.

Don’t we constantly lose things in the midst of living? Day by day, we lose something and gain something else instead. Maybe this is the exact reason which drives me to turn to the camera.


The EOS 350D is the camera Dean Fujioka used throughout his travels (picture reflects the same model retailed in Japan).
It was a global hit with its lightweight and compact body, equipped with DIGIC II in its 8 megapixel CMOS sensor.
ディーンフジオカさんが世界を旅したときに手にしていたカメラ、キヤノンEOS 350D(写真は日本で発売同型機種のもの)。
800万画素CMOSセンサーにDIGIC IIを搭載。小型軽量で、世界中でヒットを記録した。


Please click here to know more about the EOS 350D:
Canon Camera Museum - EOS 350D


Use a camera instead of a smartphone to show your aesthetic sense

SNAPSHOT: Dean, what do you look for when choosing a camera?

DEAN: I think I look for ‘beauty’. Functionality is not just about convenience; it also relates to beauty. I think functional things are beautiful. But I have come to understand that ultimately, it is also linked to what you feel about the camera when you hold it in your hands.

SNAPSHOT: What impression do you have of the EOS M6, holding it for the first time?
今回新しく手にしてみたEOS M6は、どんな印象ですか?

DEAN: I like the same things about the EOS M6 that I do about the EOS M5, which I am currently using. The EOS M6 is handy and easy to operate. Also, it is able to autofocus in dark scenes. The camera can capture fleeting photo opportunities when they arise, and that is important. It can even capture moving subjects well, too.
いま愛用しているEOS M5と、好きな部分は同じです。ハンディさと操作性ですね。そして、暗いところでもオートフォーカスがきく。撮影チャンスの瞬間を逃さないのは重要です。動体でも問題ないですからね。

Not only that, it looks like it can make someone popular with the opposite sex if they have it (laughs). The cool factor is important, isn’t it? This is a camera made for someone with an aesthetic sense who desires functionality.


The EOS M6, which is deemed as a feature-packed camera that will appeal to those who possess a high aesthetic sense. It carries high performance packed into its retro-style body.
機能が凝縮され、美意識の高い人に響きそう、と評されたEOS M6。レトロ感のあるボディに高い撮影性能を持つ。

Click the link below to know more:
The New EOS M6 – A Compact Mirrorless Camera with Speedy Focusing


SNAPSHOT: “I can take pictures with my smartphone, but I’d rather take it with my camera.” Where do you think this thought comes from?

DEAN: The people around me have blogs and use Instagram, and those who use cameras instead of their smartphone to take pictures have a very high level of awareness. Let me try to explain why.

Let’s take selfies as an example. Everyone wants take a selfie which makes them look beautiful. How about if this were a picture of food? These particular people will want to capture not only the shape and form of it, but also try to convey the smell, temperature and taste of the dish through just the picture. I think this is could be what they are thinking. It is the same for photographing children. They want to capture the child’s expressions, rather than the child himself or herself. I think these people are particularly sensitive and aware of these things.

Therefore, I think that people who, deep within themselves, are actually quite particular about aesthetic quality would prefer to use cameras instead of smartphones to take pictures.

SNAPSHOT: Thank you so much for the lovely conversation you shared with us today. We are looking forward to many more of your activities in and around Asia.

This interview was carried out in Japanese and translated into English. While utmost effort has been made to ensure that the translation preserves the full meaning and spirit of the original, the language and expressions used in the latter were so meaningful that we have decided to include the original transcript for the benefit of those who may understand it.


Dean Fujioka
A true renaissance man representing today’s Asia, Dean is a Japanese actor and musician.
After spending his school days in the US, Dean started traveling across the world, centering on Asia. He moved to Hong Kong and started his career as a model, then as an actor in Taiwan, appearing in many TV dramas, films, and TV commercials. Dean had his breakout performance as Tomoatsu Godai in the 2015 Japanese TV series "Asa ga Kita", establishing him as a household name throughout Japan and topping Yahoo Japan's list of most searched personalities for 2016.
Dean’s music creation is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. He is also an avid traveler and photography enthusiast.


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